Mitsuhiro Arita London 2025

Please Note: Limit of one booth visit per day, per attendee. Tickets are strictly non-transferrable and are subject to our terms and conditions.

Mitsuhiro Arita Booth Tickets provide access to meet Mitsuhiro Arita, where attendees can also purchase COMMON (£35), LIMITED (£165) or BOTH (£200) event art card(s). When purchasing event art card(s) your initial booth entry ticket fee (£15) will be credited against the cost of your purchase.

(Example final price after credit: £20 COMMON, £150 LIMITED, or £185 if purchasing both

Event Art Card - Event Art Card is the collection of the A5 cards that Mitsuhiro Arita draws for event appearance. These cards are exclusively sold at those events. Find more information on Mitsuhiro Arita Event Art Cards here:

Signatures - We’re thrilled to confirm that you also have the option to receive a signature when purchasing an event art card package on the day. Limitations apply based on whether you have purchased COMMON or LIMITED options. Attendees can request a signature on a personal item (this could be a comic, tcg, or other relevant personal item)

Further Information:

COMMON - Available when purchasing a common event art card:  English signature with attendee’s legal name and date. Additional customisations are not available with COMMON option.

LIMITED - Available when purchasing a limited event art card. Permits one signature and small head sketch on the item (Attendees may not request sketches that are not on the presented item)

Attendees must abide by rules and restrictions presented by artist and event organisers on the day. Artist reserves the right to refuse to sign certain personal items. We recommend you prepare a spare item in case of any restrictions.;

All information provided is per the artist’s terms and requests for the event. This is an exciting opportunity to meet a legendary artist at MegaCon Live and we ask that attendees help us extend the highest level of respect to Mitsuhiro Arita

Reminder that tickets are non transferrable and subject to MegaCon Live terms and conditions. Name must provided at time of check-out and any resold tickets will be void

The choice of available options at the booth may be limited for younger attendees based on the artists discretion

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Sat / Sun Arita Tickets Soldout

Venue Details
Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway, London E16 1XL